I’m not gonna do what I’m doing

As I was coming home from work today, I (as usual) had the radio on, and I heard the 2007 song “Love Song” by Sara Barielles (played by Kelly Clarkson). As I sat in traffic, I started thinking about the lyrics (always a big mistake), and I’ve decided to add this to my list of decade-defining dysfunctional relationship songs (along with The Pina Colada Song and Breakfast at Tiffany’s).

Young Sara (Taylor Swift) is having a rough day. Ever since she was a little girl (Demi Lovato), she’s dreamed of being a mermaid (merperson? person of mer?). But this morning she found out that her mermaid audition was a complete flop because, in the words of the interviewer, she wasn’t “gilly enough”. (Even she knew that, but a girl can dream!) Continue reading